Bye Bye Shanghai!

24 Jul 2017 - Mateo Atwi

I haven't posted in a while because of finals week and I didn't  travel anywhere the weekend before I left Shanghai. I left Shanghai Saturday morning at 7:30. Shanghai was really cool, and if you are looking for an awesome cityscape, then look no further. With a total population of 34 million, I can hardly say I've visited the city. There are so many nooks and crannies that I walked by without even noticing. I think that I won't write very much about it except that Shanghai tower is worth whatever you have to pay to get to the top. I won't write a lot because I think the city is already very westernized and documented, but if you want to know more please ask! Enjoy the photos!
This building rotates and plays music simultaneously.
We got to see some old friends again!
The city is beautiful, but so is the sky.
World's fastest elevator.